Saturday, August 2, 2008

HAPPY BIRTHDAY at the Hospital!

My gorgeous man just celebrated his birthday! Well, not celebrated in the traditional sense...he actually turned down the planned drinks with workmates and home made lemon merengue pie, because he was busy rushing me off to hospital.

Me? Well, I was busy wandering around with a burst appendix. I reckon a bit more panadol and I just about could have made it for those drinks and pie.

The operation was "nasty" I kept getting told, and they pumped me full of lots and lots of really strong chemicals, and drugs to keep me from getting sick from the chemicals (they did NOT work) and strong drugs for the strong pain.

Rod was a champion, visiting every day, bringing me whatever I asked for in my drugged stupor and keeping everyone informed about my progress.

One week later, and I am washing my brain out to get rid of the horrible HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!! experience of having a burst appendix. The recovery is something I would have refused if death had not been the alternative.

Here is hoping that I will not be setting foot in a hopsital for a long time. I am sorry if you need someone to visit you there, you will need to find someone else for the next little while. I'm busy being traumatized.

The good news is that I am well and truly on the mend. Hopefully next week will be mostly back to normal. Or whatever passes as that.

So, here is what I learned, and I will pass it on for anyone's benefit: If you get a burst appendix, do NOT try to fix that with over-the-counter medicine for period pain. It won't work. You have to go get an operation, okay?

HAPPY BIRTHDAY at the Lighthouse!

In mid-July, Rod and I were guests at a gala affair! A dear friend who turned 70, had a week-long party up at the lighthouse. The old lighthouse-keeper's cottages have been converted to holiday accomodation, and they are spectacular!

Picture this: One week at the most easterly point of Australia, culminating in a Full Moon Party with close friends and family. Invited guests coming and going, staying a day, or two; lots of presents, serenades, accolades and wine! Lots of wine, oh yes. A fitting honour for an amazing woman.

We were lucky enough to stay in the guest room for two nights. For those two nights, we were the most easterly people sleeping on the continent. When we got up on the first morning, at dawn, the full moon was setting over the hills just as the sun rose out of the ocean.

That night, the party was perfect! The moon was full, the guests were full. Good music, fine wine and great company!
