Friday, July 11, 2008

Recent Travels

On our recent trip to Eurimbula Park, near the Town of 1770, we camped in a gorgeous eucalyptus forest, right on the north Queensland Coast. It was warm enough to swim. In mid-winter.

Here is what we call, CAMP HAIR.

We had a great time, as we usually do. We embarked earlier than usual, to beat the city traffic, which we didn't. But the trip THERE was smooth sailing. Not too many arguments, don't think we did any breaking up. Once we got there, we drove around exploring all the campsites and such, I HAD to see them all before agreeing to go check out the Natl Park, which was far superior. But I had this daydream of the perfect camp, with privacy, and a nearby coffee shop and just the right amount of company, like a quick friendly chat on the way to the HOT SHOWERS...but it was pretty busy in Agnes Water and 1770. That campground on the bay was wall to wall 'vans. I'm sure I saw someone's cleaning lady along for the trip...

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